EEOOII is the acronym for Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas, Language Official Schools, which are the Spanish public teaching centres specialized in languages.

Origin of the public teaching of languages

It is possible for the teaching of languages to be as old as Education itself.  If we read the Institutio oratoria written by Marcus Fabius Quintilianus around the year 95, we discover that in the Roman Empire the teaching of languages is incorporated into common teaching from the first year - as a matter of fact, the first lessons for children are the ones from Greek and Latin.  With the arrival of the Middle Ages the Roman municipal schools decline and religious schools arise, the first one created at the year 527 by the II Toledo Council.  With the course of the centuries these schools open themselves to the non-religious studies and students, including languages like Arab for instance.  From the year 1212 on they turn into General Studies (Studium Generale), starting by Palencia, and from the year 1252 on General Studies turn into Universities, starting by Salamanca.

Origin of the official teaching of languages in Spain

Beyond the teaching of languages that happened to be incorporated into regular studies, the specialized teaching of languages does appear. In the official bulletin La Gaceta de Madrid we find in the course of the centuries institutions that teach language classes, for instance La Real Junta de comercio de Cataluña, the Institución Hamiltoniana or the Instituto español.  The twentieth century sees the appearance of language studies that apart from specialized and independent are public and with an official certificate:


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