Recommended dictionaries for 2017-2018 at the Coia Section

The Coia Section from the Languages Official School in Vigo recommends this 2017-2018 season four dictionaries for the C1 level.  All four dictionaries at available for consult at the library from the Languages Official School in Vigo.  Also, a search conducted at the specialized bookshops in Vigo provided the following results:
  • Babel (Venezuela, 45): Sadly, it does no longer exist.  The place is an estate agency now.
  • Casa del Libro (Velázquez Moreno, 27): Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary on sale.
  • El Corte Inglés (Gran Vía, 28): Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary on sale.
  • Librouro (Eduardo Iglesias, 12): Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary on sale.
  • Linguas Mundi (Martínez Garrido, 28): None on sale.
Below there are photographs of the four dictionaries, and links to the publishers so they can be bought over the network:
