We started the 2018/19 year of studies!
The new year of studies has started, and therefore the information on the blog We study English has been updated accordingly:
-Which are the Languages Official Schools in Galicia? What is their origin? What languages is it possible to study in them? It's just a click on The galician EEOOII.
-Which are the galician Languages Official Schools in Galicia that teach English? (Hint: all of them) It's just a click on The galician EEOOII with English.
-Where is located the Languages Official School in Vigo? Which sections has it got? What is the address of its website? It's just a click on The EOI of Vigo.
-Which are the Languages Official Schools in Galicia? What is their origin? What languages is it possible to study in them? It's just a click on The galician EEOOII.
-Which are the galician Languages Official Schools in Galicia that teach English? (Hint: all of them) It's just a click on The galician EEOOII with English.
-Where is located the Languages Official School in Vigo? Which sections has it got? What is the address of its website? It's just a click on The EOI of Vigo.
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