Poetry in English: Rosalía de Castro

Rosalía de Castro (circa 1880). Photograph by Luis Sellier (Public Domain)
Rosalía de Castro, also known as Rosalía Castro de Murguía after her marriage, was born in Santiago de Compostela on the 24th of February of 1837 and deceased on Padrón on the 15th of July of 1885. She was a poet and writer in both Spanish and Galician languages. She is the capital figure of galician literature because with her books Galician chants and New leaves she started the Reappearance – the end to the three-century long hiatus called the dark centuries in which extremely few literary works were published in galician language.

This is a list of her works:
  • Poetry: The flower, To my mother, Galician chants, New leaves, Beside the river Sar. 
  • Journalism: Lieders, Padrón and the floods, Galician customs.
  • Novels and short novels: The sea's daughter, Flavio, The gaditan, Ruins, The gentleman in blue boots, The first fool, Palm Sunday.
  • Stories: Stories from my land.
  • Essays: The literate women.

Eleven poems by Rosalía de Castro are available in the World Wide Web, translated into English by Eduardo Freire Canosa and released into the Public Domain.

Rosalía de Castro's day was celebrated on the 25th of February of 2019 at the Official School of Languages of Vigo by reading her poems in more than twenty different languages. The poem 'Goodbye rivers, goodbye springs' was translated into English by Erin Moure.
